If the plants do not change pots, the growth of the root system will be limited, which will affect the development of plants. In addition, the soil in the pot is increasingly lacking in nutrients and decreasing in quality during the growth of the plant. Therefore, changing the pot at the right time can make it rejuvenate.

When will the plants be repotted?

1. Observe the roots of plants. If the roots extend outside the pot, it means that the pot is too small.

2. Observe the leaves of the plant. If the leaves become longer and smaller, the thickness becomes thinner, and the color becomes lighter, it means that the soil is not nutrient enough, and the soil needs to be replaced by a pot.

How to choose a pot?

You can refer to the growth rate of the plant, which is 5~10 cm larger than the original pot diameter.

How to repot plants?

Materials and tools: flower pots, culture soil, pearl stone, gardening shears, shovel, vermiculite.

1. Take the plants out of the pot, gently press the soil mass on the roots with your hands to loosen the soil, and then sort out the roots in the soil.

2. Determine the length of the retained roots according to the size of the plant. The larger the plant, the longer the retained roots. Generally, the roots of grass flowers only need to be about 15 cm in length, and the excess parts are cut off.

3. In order to take into account the air permeability and water retention of the new soil, vermiculite, pearlite, and culture soil can be mixed uniformly in a ratio of 1:1:3 as the new pot soil.

4. Add the mixed soil to about 1/3 of the height of the new pot, compact it slightly with your hands, put in the plants, and then add the soil until it is 80% full.

How to take care of plants after changing pots?

1. Plants that have just been repotted are not suitable for sunlight. It is recommended to place them under the eaves or on the balcony where there is light but not sunlight, about 10-14 days.

2. Do not fertilize the newly repotted plants. It is recommended to fertilize 10 days after changing the pot. When fertilizing, take a small amount of flower fertilizer and evenly sprinkle it on the soil surface.

Prune the cuttings for the season

Spring is a good time for plants to change pots and pruning, except for those that are blooming. When pruning, the cut should be about 1 cm away from the lower petiole. Special reminder: If you want to improve the survival rate, you can dip a little root growth hormone in the cutting mouth.

Post time: Mar-19-2021