Dracaena Sanderianna is also known as Lucky bamboo, which is very suitable for hydroponics. In hydroponics, the water needs to be changed every 2 or 3 days to ensure the clarity of water. Provide sufficient light for the leaves of lucky bamboo plant to continuously carry out photosynthesis. For hydroponic cultivation of dracaena bamboo, a certain amount of nutrient solution needs to be applied to the water every month. The temperature should be controlled at about 25 , and the bamboo should be pruned frequently to reduce excess nutrient consumption.

1. Change water frequently

Dracaena Sanderiana

When lucky bamboo is cultured in water, the clear water can effectively promote the growth of leaves. If the temperature rises and the curing time is too long, the water quality will become turbid, and the leaves of lucky bamboo will become dry and yellow. The water needs to be changed every 2 or 3 days. If the temperature drops in winter, the water can be changed once a week to effectively promote the growth of lucky bamboo.

2. Light supplement

lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo likes a cool environment. If it is maintained in a dark place for a long time during hydroponics, it grows slowly, and it is easy to grow excessively. It is necessary to maintain lucky bamboo in a well ventilated and bright place to ensure sufficient sunshine. In summer, proper shade protection can be done to avoid sunburn of leaves.

3. Apply nutrient solution

lucky bamboo plant

When lucky bamboo is cultured in water, the nutrient in the water is insufficient, which can not effectively promote its growth, and the leaves will grow thin. A certain amount of nutrient solution needs to be applied to the water every month to make sufficient nutrient supplement for lucky bamboo, then the bamboo plant will not only grow more vigorously, but also its leaves will be more green.

4. Precautions:

bamboo plant

When culturing lucky bamboo in water, the temperature should be controlled at about 25 . If the temperature is too high or too low, it is not conducive to the growth of lucky bamboo. In the maintenance of lucky bamboo, it is necessary to prune frequently and remove some dead branches and rotten leaves in time, which can effectively reduce the excessive nutrient consumption. Increase air circulation to avoid the breeding of bacteria and pests.

Post time: Sep-06-2022