Choose a good pot. Flower pots should be selected with good texture and air permeability, such as wooden flower pots, which can facilitate the roots of flowers to fully absorb fertilizer and water, and lay the foundation for budding and flowering. Although plastic, porcelain and glazed flower pots are beautiful in appearance, they have poor air permeability and are prone to water accumulation. Not only can they not make flowers bloom more, but they will cause rotten roots and even death of flowers.

Water correctly. Different varieties of flowers have a long or short flowering period, but there are many flower buds. To make the flower buds bloom as many beautiful flowers as possible, nutrition must keep up. During the growing season, proper watering helps plants thrive. During the flower bud differentiation period, water should be withheld, that is, the amount and frequency of watering should be controlled to promote the formation of flower buds. In the midsummer high temperature season or the blooming period, the frequency and amount of watering should be mastered every day according to the dryness and humidity of the pot soil and the temperature. It should not be watered half-dry, let alone make the water accumulate in the pot. If necessary, sprinkle water to the surrounding or leaves to improve Air humidity, but do not spray water on the flowers, so as not to damage the flowers, such as falling flowers, falling fruit, not bright colors, too short flowering period, etc.

Fertilize correctly. In addition to watering, fertilization is also one of the ways for flowers to obtain nutrients. Generally speaking, basal fertilizer is applied once when flowers are in pots, and appropriate topdressing should be applied during the growth period and budding period to make the flowers bloom smoothly. Top dressing should follow several principles: fertilize according to different growth and development stages, apply nitrogen fertilizer in the seedling stage to make the seedlings healthy; apply phosphorous fertilizer in the right amount during the thunder-pregnancy stage, which can make the flower seeds grow stronger; apply less fertilizer during germination, which is helpful for budding; fruit setting stage Control fertilization, which is conducive to fruit set.

According to the top dressing of flower varieties, roses, Christmas Cactus, gardenias and other flowers that need to be pruned every year, the proportion of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers needs to be appropriately increased; nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the leaves of foliage plants to make the leaves thicker; Complete fertilizer should be applied for large ornamental flowers during the period, which will help flowers bloom more. The bulbous flowers focus on potassium fertilizer, which helps the bulbs to be full and the flowers are more beautiful; the floral flowers focus on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which helps to improve the fragrance and flower volume.

Whether it is nitrogen fertilizer or phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, if it is used too much, it will cause the plants to grow leggy and inhibit the formation of flower buds, which is not conducive to flowering, especially in winter.

Post time: Mar-07-2022