Sansevieria moonshine (Baiyu sansevieria) likes scatter light. For daily maintenance, give the plants a bright environment. In winter, you can properly bask them in the sun. In other seasons, do not allow the plants to be exposed to direct sunlight. Baiyu sansevieria is afraid of freezing. In winter, ensure that the temperature is above 10°C. When the temperature is low, you must properly control the water or even cut off the water. Usually, weigh the pot soil with your hands, and water thoroughly when it feels significantly lighter. You can replace the potting soil and apply enough fertilizers every spring to promote their vigorous growth.

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1. Light

Sansevieria moonshine likes scatter light and are afraid of exposure to the sun. It’s better to move the potted plant indoors, in a place with bright light, and ensure that the maintenance environment is ventilated. Except for proper sun exposure in winter, do not let the sansevieria moonshine be exposed to direct sunlight in other seasons.

2. Temperature

Sansevieria moonshine is particularly afraid of freezing. In winter, the potted plants should be moved indoors for maintenance to ensure that the maintenance temperature is above 10℃. The temperature in winter is low, water should be properly controlled or even cut off. The temperature in summer is high, it is best to move the potted plants to a relatively cool place, and pay attention to ventilation.

3. Watering

Sansevieria moonshine is drought-tolerant and afraid of ponding, but do not let the soil be dry for a long time, otherwise the leaves of the plant will fold. For daily maintenance, it is better to wait until the soil is nearly dry before watering. You can weigh the weight of the pot soil with your hands, and water well when it is obviously lighter.

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4. Fertilization

Sansevieria moonshine does not have a high demand for fertilizer. It only needs to be mixed with sufficient organic fertilizer as base fertilizer when the potting soil is replaced every year. During the growth period of the plant, water with balanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium every half a month, to promote its vigorous growth.

5. Change the pot

Sansevieria moonshine grows rapidly. When the plants grow and explode in the pot, it is best to replace the pot soil every spring when the temperature is suitable. When changing the pot, remove the plant from the flower pot, cut off the rotten and shriveled roots, dry the roots and plant them in the wet soil again.

Post time: Dec-15-2021