The leaf tip scorching phenomenon of Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena Sanderiana) is infected with the leaf tip blight disease. It mainly damages the leaves in the middle and lower parts of the plant. When the disease occurs, the diseased spots expand from the tip inward, and the diseased spots turn into grass yellow and are sunken. There is a brown line at the junction of disease and healthy, and small black spots appear in the diseased part in the later stage. The leaves often die from infection with this disease, but in the middle parts of the lucky bamboo, only the tip of the leaves die. The disease bacteria often survive on leaves or on diseased leaves that fall on the ground, and are prone to disease when there is a lot of rainfall.

lucky bamboo

Control method: a small amount of diseased leaves should be cut and burned in time. In the early stage of the disease, it can be sprayed with 1:1:100 Bordeaux mixture, It can also be sprayed with a 1000 fold solution of 53.8% Kocide dry suspension, or with 10% of Sega Water Dispersible Granules 3000 times for spraying the plants. When a small number of diseased leaves appear in the family, after cutting off the dead parts of the leaves, apply Dakening cream ointment on the front and back sides of the section to effectively prevent the reappearance or expansion of the diseased spots.

Post time: Oct-18-2021